Some of Our Customers

Taylor Harren

Dean Fiaco

Jesse Ouellette

Justin C

Eric Nowoslawski

Lakshay Taneja

Taylor Harren

Dean Fiaco

Jesse Ouellette

Justin C

Eric Nowoslawski

Lakshay Taneja

Taylor Harren

Dean Fiaco

Jesse Ouellette

Justin C

Eric Nowoslawski

Lakshay Taneja
We are a data-as-a-service company specializing in the acquisition of global company data from SSL certificates and related business websites.
Our data sets include business domain directory, linkage and classification, firmographics, extracted text, and AI model embeddings.
Besides data, we provide technology for natural language or domain lookalike business or prospect search.
Choose between APIs or on-premise solution with our flexible open-source based platform.
Why choose Pandamatch🐼
Search by Lookalike Domain or Customer Profile
It’s an ideal tool for building prospect lists or for validating outreach copy. No need to fuss with keywords or industry categories. Powered by a Large Language Model, our platform will extract the concepts and find optimally correlated business domains. Add search functionality to your product in days using our API or go further and use our data and support to build an on-premise solution.

Domain Linkage Data
Identifying business linkages is vital for sales, market analysis, and more. Faulty data leads to misdirected efforts, loss of credibility, and wasted resources. We transcend press releases, extracting links from certificates, domain redirects, social URLs, emails, and phone numbers. Our analysis charts the complete domain universe, classifying links as subsidiaries, vendors, or clients.
Domain Status and Business Identification
Maintaining a clean and current business directory dataset is essential. Each year, a quarter of all business domains change status due to companies being bought, changing names, or going out of business, leading to dead or parked domains. Our data from certificates enable us to track all new domains entering the market, as well as those that expire. We utilize website content, legal pages, meta tags, and other signals to identify business domains.
Firmographics, Keywords, and Industry Categories
Firmographics data must be factual to be useful. The market is filled with incorrect firmographics, whether self-reported or modeled. Frequent business changes, outdated government records, and the scarcity of data on private companies add challenges. By harnessing historical certificate data, we obtain precise information about business status, size, and start date. We compile site keywords and industry categories from current website content.
Open Data
Understanding that each customer’s needs are unique, we are dedicated to an open data approach that avoids locking our customers into a vendor-specific solution. Raw certificate stream data feed provides worldwide coverage and near real-time updates. DNS record dataset offers web, email, and aliases configurations for all domains entering our system. Site Embeddings dataset includes extracted text from web pages, site links, and LLM embeddings.
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